Qualifying applicants are invited to attend a leadership workshop which takes place typically in February after the KCSC secondary school certificates are awarded by the Kenyan Ministry of Education.

In its first year, 11 graduating female students applied through a workshop hosted in partnership with African Leadership University.

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The holistic evaluation processes include:

Engagement in secondary school is preferred through a journalism club or other school extracurricular activities.

Results from the National Exams (our applicants score a C- or better).

The written application including personal statement and community engagement.

A workshop where our applicants have the chance to show off their leadership and problem-solving skills.

Consideration for need and personal circumstances. Home visits are encouraged.

Round Robin interviews with title sponsors, Kuumba founders, industry leaders, and educators for all finalists.

The consensus of secondary school educators, workshop organizers, and Kuumba founders and/or sponsors.